man, beer is so cheap in quebec. i got a 24 for $24... and good stuff at that. but that's beside the point. i need to stop drinking. if not for the sake of possible DUI charges (i only have my G2) or addiction, then at least (or at most?) for my enlarging beer belly. i doubt it's as much of a beer belly as an eat-too-much-crap belly. snacks and good food during my one-week mont tremblant holiday didn't help all too much.
for those who i haven't talked to for ages... pretty much everbody really... i've kinda been all over the place. adele came may 4th. we went to niagara for a few days, after staying at june's for a night (thanks!). went to the hershey's chocolate factory (so nasty... they use their bare hands... ugh) on the way to ottawa. at ottawa we saw the tail-end of the tulip festival - it was my mom's idea. then went to montreal. spent half a day with dele at downtown montreal and old montreal - so boring, yo! whoever told me montreal is the "second best shopping place in North America" is on crack. and you're going down! DOWN! but moving on now... we went to mont tremblant for a week, all as a family, with dele and joyce. that was pretty cool, having 2 new additions. family hols were a lot more funny that way. since then, i've been moving my stuff from my old house to andrew's. Katinka (my cat) seems to love it there - it's funny how i don't capitalize first letters of names like 'adele' or 'joyce' but i do for Katinka... interesting. so yes, lastly i'm flying off for singapore in about 5 hrs. not really that excited but i know it'll be really good catching up with people, hanging out, eating, etc. ok, well i've had enough of being boring so till next time, control cat and dog overpopulation - spay your cats and dogs!
PS: congrats chris, yatin and all others who got into med school! when chris found out i got in, he was a bazillion times more excited than i was when i found out... that's quite a lot more
PPS: i got into McMaster med sch! hooooorah for 3-yr med sch programs!