Thursday, April 06, 2006

Chilli defense

Dr. Duffin taught us in class that spicy foods cause the release of endorphins. This got me interested and I decided to do a search on the effects of chilli. I came across this article: Eat chillies for healthy reasons.
I like this one part:
"So far, chillies had been considered notorious for irritating and corroding stomach lining. Now researchers think just the opposite. It is claimed that "eating chillies may cause the stomach to secrete more mucus which protects its lining against corrosion by irritants such as acid, aspirin or alcohol" and thereby help prevent ulcers. Recently, a large case control study of stomach cancer linked higher consumption of chillies with a decreased risk of stomach cancer (Food, Nutrition and Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective"). Capsaicin is also considered to jumpstart the digestive process by stimulating salivation, gastric secretions and gut motility.
YESSS! so i'm not gonna die!
But then the author added this at the end:
"Moderation in dietary practices is the hallmark of good nutrition. Whereas the use of chillies in moderation is good, their excessive use may irritate the G.I tract and may as well cause itching in the anal region..."
- true, true... so disappointingly and painfully (literally) true... :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cancer cells and I

I'm studying cancer metastasis right now and I realized something: they're convincing proof for the much-too-often-used phrase, "If it doesn't kill me, it makes me stronger" - which is pretty much MY phrase. that's right, i claim it as MY phrase. but anyways, i say that b/c when you deprive cancer cells of oxygen, glucose, or other nutrients, the surviving cells are even stronger than the ones that died. and these are the ones that are gonna go all throughout your body and kick your ass hard... real hard. and so since i too believe that 'whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger" - especially with regards to eating spicy food - i conclude that I must have been a cancer cell in my previous life. or a tumour.

thanks for reading this crap,