Sunday, March 19, 2006

indian food

Ok, i couldn't think of a title, so i just put down the first thing i could think of. mmMMmmm.... indian food....

Anyways, quick update: today my ball hockey team lost to andrew's. sucks. they went so hardcore and it didn't hurt that they had lotsa substitutes. got hit on the same spot on the shin 3 times. thot it was gonna burst. hurt like hell. and i'm sure hell hurts lots so that's a testament to how much it hurt.

Church today was on Galations 5:1-15. I was reminded that nothing we do can redeem us. We can't try to follow God's laws alone and expect to be saved - we've all fallen short of God's standard (i.e. perfectness). Yeah that all makes sense to the church-goer. But the pastor said something to the effect that if you're doing anything not out of love, you're doing it out of slavery. HUH?!? He explained that if you are saved and redeemed by faith in Christ, our faith expresses itself through love. Therefore, if we are legalistically being good just to be good people, or following God's commands just to follow God's commands, we don't really get it. We're basically enslaving ourselves to the standards of the old law and trying to redeem ourselves by means that are no longer necessary since we are now freed by Jesus' death on the cross! I guess the application of this is to know the heart of God instead of merely scraping at the surface by legalistically following the old law, which you just can't live up to.

i've got to stop my incessant blogging...