In Stauffer library...
Ugh... I really don't want to study. Keep falling asleep. I think I have mono (I just did research on mononucleosis, or more informally known as "mono". I wish I had that... 4 weeks' of an excuse to lay in bed all day.) Anyways, unfortunately, I don't have mono. It turns out i'm just lazy. (Yes, i'm calling for your pity). Something went wrong genetically when I was conceived (or during gametogenesis, organogenesis, or post-natal development) because everyone else in my family is sooooooo hardworking. It's like in the Chia genetic make-up to work as hard and fast as those Chia Pets grow their hair (i should get one of those one day...). It's insane. Well, back to studying for me... Chia Pet style... Pees out.

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