Friday, December 30, 2005

Freaky dream

I had a... let's say "interesting" dream yesterday. not freaky per se, but it was something else. so here it is:

It jumped right into action with me getting married to someone. and no, i'm not gay. i don't usually dream about getting married. and i don't cry, i work out (thanks starsky and hutch). but yeah, i was getting married at this age to someone who i hardly got to know and grow with yet. her parents disapproved, my mom disapproved (funny, my dad didn't seem to care much. hah!), and I, myself, was unsure of tying the knot with somebody i hadn't fully gotten to know. i'm pretty sure i loved her though. But she said something to the extent of being fully confident in us and getting married and wanting to spend a long long time with each other. made me feel more at ease. and i think the dream ended right after we got married, right when i was RUDELY awaken by my friend. but good thing, or i woulda forgotten it.

But it felt good. I mean, you know, being "married" - even though it really was just in my dream. just having that one person you can be best friends with for the rest of your life, sharing of and trusting each other fully, unabatedly. According to a study, that's the number one reason why people married for a long time have remained faithful - their spouse is their best friend. unfortunately, that's a really rare blessing in today's society.

I just wonder what that dream meant, if anything...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

oh yeah, exams are OVA!

i'm done exams! whooptee-doo! everyone's going home! and me? i'm... i'm... staying in ktown... :( wish i could go back home (s'pore) to see family, friends, and so i won't freeze my butt off.

I had a nice post-exam surprise. while trying to nullify my sleep deficit, dele gave me a call at 8:30am! I don't mind at all talking at that time - i'm just always scared of saying something really stupid, you know, what with not having my brain working so early in the morn. so yeah, dele passed the phone to liz and i said something about hallucinating... not sure why. but anyways, since i can't renmember much of anything i said, this is a pre-emptive SORRY to dele and liz if i said anything remotely retarded-sounding.

and now, to my Brown Med School secondary application. WHEEEEEEEEE!

Foreign Aid and International Charities article

So here is the article I was talking about (the one where some guy says foreign aid puts countries further in the lurch). it's not too long and it's interesting... you be the judge...

Thursday, December 15, 2005


2 left! and then none...

OH CRAP IT! So here's what's happening: 2 exams left. But the second one is 11 hours after the first. Except those 11 hours run between 10pm and 9am. I NEED SLEEP! it's funny though, throughout this whole exam period, i've had tons of sleep, but i feel more tired than usual. It's mono i'm telling you! So yeah, not gonna be getting much sleep tonight. I've got three 475mL Rockstar (RedBull compycats) drinks ready in my arsenal to fight off tiredness. the only problem will be waking up...

So yeah, i can't wait to be done with exams. Not going up to Barrie this year for our annual family reunion 'cos Enoch's having his wedding dinner in Singapore, Ean is in Korea, and the Yu's are going to Ottawa. So it's just Andrew, Sarah, and I left here. Should still be a fun holiday though (if you minus my sis. hehe). well anyways, time for a nice lil 5 min nap before going hardcore on pharmacology. DIE PHARM, DIE!!!!

Friday, December 09, 2005

1 down, 3 to go

I just had my Pathology exam (PATH 410) and it was absoludicrously (thanks Mr. T) retarded. In the short answer section, they started asking about mechanisms that they never even told us about! so so so so so so gay. but anyways, i'm trying to study hard for pharmacology but there's so much material to memorize. i don't see the point in such a general undergraduate education when all you do is memorize for an exam, and then forget. I need to get into med school quick before i blow my brains out (just kidding).. but seriously.

I've been looking at some Irish medical schools. Not sure why. but supposedly they've got some decent medical education and facilities there. Unfortunately, the deadline is so close that i'm not even gonna bother. who wants to go to Ireland anyways. I was looking at Singapore's med school too. hey, stop laughing. the fact that they're teaming up with Duke University's med school to develop their new undergraduate-level entry med programme is impressive enough to woo me to going there. In addition, i'd only have to pay $18000 SD, which is $12400 Canadian dollars. that's cheaper than studying here! BUT! the catch is the 6 year bond i'd have to serve in singapore. but really, i wouldn't mind. things might work out for the best that way. something for me to think about...

well anyways, y'all take care now. back to the books for me. YAYYYY!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

In Stauffer library...

Ugh... I really don't want to study. Keep falling asleep. I think I have mono (I just did research on mononucleosis, or more informally known as "mono". I wish I had that... 4 weeks' of an excuse to lay in bed all day.) Anyways, unfortunately, I don't have mono. It turns out i'm just lazy. (Yes, i'm calling for your pity). Something went wrong genetically when I was conceived (or during gametogenesis, organogenesis, or post-natal development) because everyone else in my family is sooooooo hardworking. It's like in the Chia genetic make-up to work as hard and fast as those Chia Pets grow their hair (i should get one of those one day...). It's insane. Well, back to studying for me... Chia Pet style... Pees out.