Hateful entry
So just to balance things out, this next entry is one of pure hatred. well maybe not pure... or hatred either. but still, i'm pissed. There's this stupid leak in our bathroom. As some might recall, i had this constant leak,a nd it soaked this one wall of my bathroom (drywall) and it got so bad, and was left there for so long that mold and MUSHROOMS started to grow (no, i didn't taste them). Here's some samples for your viewing pleasure:

So needless to say, I was pretty peeved back then, since they took more than 2 months to "fix" this problem. Notice the quotation marks. So the leak is back. and this time, it's like, 90 drops a minute kinda thing. so my bathroom wall is absolutely soaked and weak. I leaned against it and it caved in... mUahaHAhA! stupid wall... i WIN! but it's not over. the leak started leaking on the other side of the wall - my kitchen. so now nasty, putrid, brown water is leaking onto my kitchen floor, and now onto my living room floor. and it's been going since 4 days ago and the stupid property manager won't come to fix it. What I want to know is why there are so so so many imcpompetent property owners/managers. anyways, it's nasty. And i just had to rant. Thank you.

So needless to say, I was pretty peeved back then, since they took more than 2 months to "fix" this problem. Notice the quotation marks. So the leak is back. and this time, it's like, 90 drops a minute kinda thing. so my bathroom wall is absolutely soaked and weak. I leaned against it and it caved in... mUahaHAhA! stupid wall... i WIN! but it's not over. the leak started leaking on the other side of the wall - my kitchen. so now nasty, putrid, brown water is leaking onto my kitchen floor, and now onto my living room floor. and it's been going since 4 days ago and the stupid property manager won't come to fix it. What I want to know is why there are so so so many imcpompetent property owners/managers. anyways, it's nasty. And i just had to rant. Thank you.
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